Kupowanie zestawu do mahjonga — jak wybrać ten najlepszy?
Ostatnimi czasy najczęściej zadawanymi pytaniami - zarówno na naszym serwerze na Discordzie, w wiadomościach na Facebooku oraz mailowo – są te poruszające kw...
Ostatnimi czasy najczęściej zadawanymi pytaniami - zarówno na naszym serwerze na Discordzie, w wiadomościach na Facebooku oraz mailowo – są te poruszające kw...
As some of you might already know, we’ve managed to secure our own place to play mahjong. Now it’s time to share some details regarding regular meetings that...
Just before the tournament in Poznań, on Friday 10 Nov 2023, an EMA seminar was held, during which Szymon Nowicz was qualified to judge competitions organise...
We invite you to the second MERS tournament in Kraków!
This weekend (20-21 May 2023), our national team went to Copenhagen for the Open Danish Championship. Before the weekend’s battles, an EMA refereeing seminar...
We invite you to the first MERS tournament in Kraków!
We invite you to the first ever Polish tournament with Saki Cards! It will take place at 14th August 2022 in the Boardowa cafe.